Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sleep Depravation and Weight Gain

I’ve never met a girl friend yet who doesn’t worry about gaining weight. I’m learning that sleep is vital to help us keep off the pounds. Who would of thought? Sleep is something most of us struggle with. Balancing life, family, and our own personal time is impossible on most days. quoted a study that shows that the less you sleep, the more you are prone to gain weight. In fact, look at their findings in 60,000 women tested:

  • Sleeping five hours or less a night raised the risk of obesity by 15 percent.
  • Sleeping six hours a night raised the risk of obesity by 6 percent.
  • Sleeping more than seven hours a night did not raise the risk of obesity.

And Glamour Magazine says that over two-dozen studies prove enough sleep helps in weight loss. In fact, they go on to mention that lack of sleep affects our hormones, which controls our appetite, our food cravings and our metabolism. This is important stuff! This research explains a lot to me. I’m tired; I eat. I’m tired; and I don’t feel like doing anything but watching TV. I’m tired; so don’t get between me and my bag of salty deep-fried potato chips!

This is not good for those of us that do not get enough sleep. When sleeping in the cab (if your a Truck Driver) while our team member drives, we have that road vibration keeping us awake. We sleep in a twin bed in our cab and our partner snores. What to do… Find a mattress that works well for you. I like good back support, especially after a long day. Maybe a white noise sound in the background might help. My favorite is misty rain with soft waves in the background.
