Tuesday, April 5, 2011

C.R. England, Inc. announces Fatigue Awareness Month


C.R. England, Inc. is partnering with SleepPointe for the first annual Fatigue Awareness Month right now in April.  With a month of Fatigue Awareness seminars, booths, and information, C.R. England, Inc.’s drivers are fortunate to learn symptoms of fatigue and how to minimize risks.


According to the article, “Unhealthy Sleep-Related Behaviors --- 12 states, 2009” on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site, between fifty to seventy million people here in the United States alone has what we call “chronic sleep and wakefulness disorders.”  That’s a big portion of adults in the US.


One article found online from SmartMotorist.com and called “Driver Fatigue is an important cause of road crashes” gives statistics from a study that driving just 80 minutes with no time away from the wheel raises the risk of accidents due to fatigue.  Drivers should take frequent breaks throughout the day and eat healthy food like fruit to stay alert.


Week one of the 2011 Fatigue Awareness Month is focusing on how to identify the warning signs of fatigue.  These signs are listed below:


ü      Slow Reactions

ü      Sleep Debt

ü      Time of Driving

ü      Failing to check your driving mirrors

ü      Drifting from your lane

ü      Inconsistent speed

ü      Erratic breaking

ü      Missing exits or turns

ü      Chills

ü      Frequent Yawning

ü      Drowsiness

ü      Sore or Tired Eyes

ü      Boredom

ü      Feeling Irritable and Restless

ü      Loss of Concentration

ü      Hallucinations

ü      Nodding Off


Seminars will be held throughout the month.  Each week of April, there will be a Seminar on Tuesdays in the C.R. England corporate building theatre at six pm and Thursdays the Fuel Island will be handing out water and fruit to drivers. 


What a great way to help drivers help themselves.  With safety as C.R. England Inc.  Truck Driving School’s most important part of their curriculum, it’s no wonder they came up with such a great idea.