We are just about to turn the corner and start 2010. Many people are ready to see 2009 go away for good. It was definitely a tough year for everyone. If your one of the many that have been unable to find work this past year, take a look at truck driving. You may be surprised by what the industry has to offer.
Another great reason to put a new trucking career on your list for 2010 is that as the economy recovers, truckers are going to be in demand. Also, if your new to the industry, the trucking industry is fairly easy to get into. CR England even guarantees you a job upon completion of the training program. If CR England isn't the option for you, make sure you choose a trucking jobs with training option over a private teacher. Click here for reasons why you should avoid private trucking schools.
Imagine in just a few months you could be your own boss. No more job hunting. Just forward movement. When you complete the training program CR England will also offer you the opportunity to lease your own truck. You'll have a business partner in CR England should you choose the equipment lease program.
Whether your goal is to see the country for once, or earn money for your family, trucking is a great way to do both.
If you or someone you know is considering a job in the trucking industry take a look at the CR England Premier truck driving school program. Visit Premier truck driving school here.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Put a New Career on Your List in 2010
Thursday, December 17, 2009
How to Make Highways Run Smoother
We published this article on another website and thought we would summarize it here so those that follow this blog could read it. When it comes to driving on the highway it seems that even when you leave the city you run into bottlenecks along your route. Out enjoying the open road headed to a new destination. And then it happens. Traffic slows out in the middle of nowhere.
Most of these bottle necks have to do with the large number of trucks that use America's highway system to deliver goods. We need these trucks to move freight across the country. Trucks seem to accelerate slower and certainly have a hard time climbing hills that have even the slightest grade, so a remedy would make travels for the motoring public more efficient.
Some believe it would even make highways safer. The bottom line is everyone wants to get around the trucks. Even trucks want to get around trucks some times. Here are a few things that can help to increase roadway efficiency.
A big help would be if highway spending bills included more passing lanes and climbing lanes. These would help to alleviate traffic backups on highways. This can be especially helpful in areas were climbing is necessary like the Sierra Nevada and and Rocky Mountain regions. Both an empty and a fully loaded tractor-trailer can have a hard time continuing at freeway speeds when they encounter almost any substantial increase in grade.
Passing lanes can act as an auxiliary lane on a two-lane highway. These are very helpful in areas where the traffic volume doesn't require a multi-lane highway. Having a lane for this purpose can give small vehicles the opportunity to pass semi tractor-trailers safely. Many times small vehicles pass trucks illegally when there is no passing lane. This often times ends in an accident.
Climbing lanes are also especially helpful. These lanes are constructed on multi-lane highways and help divert traffic around slow moving vehicles. This is also especially helpful in creating a safer and more efficient highway system.
Hopefully after reading this you can see how roadway efficiency can be increased by the addition of passing lanes and climbing lanes to highways in your state. Some day you may need to vote on a highway spending bill and we hope you can see how spending on these types of projects can help everyone who uses Americas highway system.
Here is a link to the Department of Transportation if you want to keep up on what they are doing with highway planning and other programs.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Looking For A Truck Driving School That Gives?
How's this for giving!
The Holiday Season is upon us! It is a time when we all take pleasure in being with our family and friends, giving and receiving gifts (who doesn’t like gifts?), relishing good food, and enjoying the good feelings that we feel this time of year. Some of truck driving school students will be spending the holidays away from home and CR England and its employees will do everything they can to make the time spent at their facilities enjoyable.
With all the gift giving and receiving its important that we remember some people do not have these things to enjoy this year, and it is up to others to help lift them up.
We invite you once again to help people who are less fortunate than us. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own day-to-day troubles, we forget to be thankful for things that we do have. We take things for granted. We forget that some people are in much worse situations. With the economy still faltering and unemployment at record levels we expect major increases in the number of families seeking our help.
That is where This Years CR England Charity Drive comes in. This year CR England has chosen to help the Candy Cane Store this year. For those of you who are new to this, it works like this--parents who have applied for help and are qualified are given gift vouchers from the Candy Cane Store. The parents then use these vouchers to “purchase” items for their children from the Candy Cane Store. We can help the children by donating items to stock the store. Items that we are requesting are children’s toys, clothing, shoes, toiletries, learning aids, etc. Please bring the items new and unwrapped to one of the Christmas Charity 2009 volunteers.
We also hold a vendor raffle each year. Our vendors are kind enough each year to donate a variety of items for us to raffle off. The proceeds from this raffle go to the Primary Children’s Medical Center. We will also buy food items for the Road Home Shelter with some of our raffle money.
If your attending truck driving school or working for the company during this holiday season please be aware of the charity event that is going on.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Drive Life Award Winners
CR England offers its employees a quarterly award for their performance and also for their ability to live up to the company motto "DRIVE LIFE."
The 3rd quarters award winners are.
· Managers –
o Jim Macinnes, Director, Independent Contractor Division
o Stephen Brinkman, Senior Director, Business Intelligence
· Salt Lake City Employee –
o Chris Fugate, Market Area Manager
· Off-Site Employee –
o Jim Schwartz, Financial Analyst for Sorrento in Buffalo
· Maintenance –
o Ashley Fernandez, Insurance Claims Assistant
· England Logistics –
o Tammy Sumner, Customer Service Rep
· Wabash –
o Dave Dimmick, Used Fleet Manager
C.R. England would like to extend congratulations to these top performers!
C.R. England values our professional truck drivers and their safety. Our emphasis is on providing opportunities for drivers to take charge of their lives. We hire qualified individuals with no previous driving experience, as well as experienced drivers, independent contractors, and graduates from other truck driving schools.
C.R. England operates training schools where individuals new to the industry can obtain their commercial driver licenses. Through our truck-leasing program, entrepreneurial-minded individuals may get started in their own transportation business.
At C.R. England, customer service is our main focus. We understand the importance of identifying and responding to each customer's unique needs. Our emphasis is on delivering the freight entrusted to us on-time and safely.
C.R. England offers valuable services to other trucking companies through England Carrier Services. This division provides factoring, fuel discounts, and other services to participating carriers, allowing them to concentrate on the core competencies of their business.
As C.R. England grows, so do opportunities for non-driver employees. We are continually seeking experienced, career-minded professionals who are committed to providing high level service to our customers, drivers and independent contractors.
Drive Life is a way of being.
It’s about getting stuff done. Reaching goal. Creating opportunities. And, most importantly, taking control of your destiny. It’s about coming up with ideas that make your job, or even our entire company, better. It’s about grabbing hold of life and driving it, instead of just being along for the ride.
Take Control.
Reach Goals.
Create opportunities.
Do the right thing.
Drive Life.
Friday, October 23, 2009
President Emeritus Celebrates 90 In Big Way
Today the staff at CR England celebrated Gene England's 90th Birthday. Gene is still involved with CR England and is the company President Emeritus.
Gene's 90th was celebrated in a big way which even included a few surprises. In true CR England fashion the event was hosted along side the freeway frontage road with a back drop of semi trucks passing by.
In honor of Gene's 90 years of accomplishments in the Salt Lake Valley, West Valley City Government proclaimed October 23, 2009 Gene England Day.
After hearing the surprise announcement Gene was very grateful but was truly blown away when the city of West Valley unveiled and announced to Gene that from this day forward 4660 West (2100 South) would be named Gene England Dr.
Gene closed the event with a speech letting the company employees know that he was personally "thankful for the people that have supported us and made the company what it is today"
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a truck driver please visit our website. CR England is one of the few trucking companies hiring drivers with and without experience.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Looking For Truck Driving Jobs?
A recent article surfaced in the NYTimes that discussed the current unemployment situation in this country. The article went through the hiring process of a CR England Manger in Indiana.
The article was not directed towards truck driving jobs, but we wanted to point out an issue that was mentioned briefly in the article.
Ms. Stacey Ross Head of Corporate Recruiting for CR England mentioned that the company is currently trying to fill two dozen other positions than the one mentioned in the article. Of those, truck driving jobs are available.
CR England is currently looking to hire safe qualified truck drivers to the team even in the down turn and also offers to train inexperienced candidates for a new career. If you looking to start an exciting carrier in the trucking industry, or are just looking to switch to a reliable industry leader apply today for one of out over the road truck driving jobs at the CR England corporate website.
The complete NYTimes article can be found at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/22/us/22hire.html
Friday, October 16, 2009
Company Wins 2009 SmartWay Excellence Award
CR England has been awarded a 2009 SmartWay EPA Excellence Award. This award is great news for the company and employees that are interested in protecting the environment.
Even incoming students can can feel better knowing that they are training with an industry leader that is also making a conscious effort to conserve energy and lower green house gases.
The award that C.R. England, Inc. received is an Environmental Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SmartWaySM Transport Partnership. The award is directly related to the company’s leadership in conserving energy and lowering greenhouse gas emissions from its transportation and freight activities. Only a select group of trucking companies received this award.
Check out these facts that are related to green initiatives within the company. They most likely attributed to the excellence award.
CR England:
-saved 49,023,390 gallons of diesel fuel
-cut carbon dioxide emissions by 544,160 tons.
When you choose to work for CR England working for an award winning environmentally conscious trucking company that hasn't laid off a driver in almost 90 years.Click here for information on our trucking jobs
Looking for Training?
CR England truck schools guarantee you a trucking job after you have completed the training program. Contact a company recruiter if your interested in CDL training or visit our website for more information about our truck driving schools and training programs.
More information about the EPA SmartWay program can be found: http://www.epa.gov/smartway .
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
CR England Welcomes Truck Driving School Students
A recent story ran in the Salt Lake tribune, a major newspaper in Salt Lake City, Utah, that discussed truck driving school enrollments. The article pointed out that just about all the local truck driving schools had seen an increase in enrollment since the recession began.
Since that article ran many more stories have surfaced regarding school enrollments. Some schools have had to cap enrollment. For CR England, the job of recruiting qualified truck driving school students is never finished. There are no enrollment caps in place and CR England welcomes anyone considering the truck driving profession to apply. The company is searching coast to coast for new students who want to get training form an industry leader.
CR England Owns Premier truck driving schools and provides industry leading training to its students. For more information about truck jobs and CDL training visit the company website; CR England.com.
Friday, September 11, 2009
CR England Installs Fuel Saving Software
CR England was part of a recent press release by a technology company. That release disclosed information about some recent software upgrades that CR England had made. The release also named Knight Transportation.
CR England along with Knight Transportation recently decided to invest in new software from TMW Systems and Manhattan Associates Carrier Suite. The software is designed to help trucking companies make routing and fuel purchasing decisions.
Here is a quote from Ron Hall, the director of business strategy for CR England, " We are currently fully implemented on Driver & Load [and] on Drop & Swap"
The Driver & Load can make it so drivers do not have to deadhead many miles out of the way for freight when their actually was a load nearby. Hall also said that the software would help with this issue mainly because, "You don’t typically see one planner looking at another guy’s workload. Driver & Load allows us to evaluate moves between markets that make sense."
This software commonly known as "decision support systems software" when implemented completely will give CR England an opportunity to lower fuel costs. Knight transportation will also benefit in a similar fashion.
The implementation and fewer dead head miles will also help with load planning and overall fleet efficiencies and help with truck utilization across geographic markets.
The online news source Transport topics first ran this story about the press release on August 26th, 2009. and also included the information in its August 2th print edition of Transport Topics.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Great Salt Lake Truck Show Highlights
CR England participated in the Great Salt Lake Truck Show Earlier this month. Truck drivers Jobs were put in a positive light at the show when Chairman Dan England and the current Utah Governor spoke about truck driving jobs and the trucking industry as a whole.
They spoke about green jobs and the steps trucking companies like CR England have taken to get going down the path toward a greener industry. The governor seemed very happy with CR England's participation thus far.
Here are some photos from the show: These were just a few of the trucks that were on display. The CR England truck that was shown here had the skirt on the trailer. The skirt is not a fixed skirt so if debris hits it ,it can absorb some of the damage. The skirt has also been proven to increase fuel mileage.
Overall the show was a local hit. A lot of truck drivers came out and those interested in a truck job got to see what the top of the line trucks can look like.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Its Time To Go To Truck Driving School
WSAZ Channel 3 news ran an article about the trucking industry. The article was directed more so to CDL Training and how enrollments are up. This article was highlighted because it seemed to point out the benefits of going and getting the training necessary for a CDL career. The media has almost made unemployment popular. For those who wish to buck the trend, a good CDL school may be the answer.
From the article, trucking schools in West Virginia are seeing increases in program enrollment. The article quoted David Belcher, who was recently laid off. He said " I thought this would be a good job to go into."
Truck driving can certainly be a good career choice.Jobs pay well and companies are always looking for good drivers. Not many other professions pay you to travel and give you the opportunity to see the open road.
Another article was also put out by 11Alive.com that also spoke of schools packed with folks that are looking for training to get into the truck driving industry. Overall that article showed how truck driving school can be a step towards a new beginning for many.
Both stories provided salary increments to seriously consider. WSAZ said a driver could expect to earn between $30,000 to $40,000 per year and 11Alive quoted a student who gave an estimate of $40,000. The 11Alive article also discussed the likely hood of finding work after completing school. According to their article, a truck driving school director said, "they have a 90 percent graduation rate and about 95% of their students are finding jobs in the trucking industry.”
That’s right 95% are finding work. That makes the job outlook look pretty good for those students that enroll in truck driving school.
The original articles can be found at:
http://www.wsaz.com/news/headlines/52611152.html, and was reported by Carrie Cline.
http://www.11alive.com/rss/rss_story.aspx?storyid=133416 , was written by Paul Crawley
Monday, July 27, 2009
CR England Says Trucking Jobs Are The Future
In recent weeks many articles have surfaced that have discussed the economy, unemployment and the all too slow growth from the stimulus. The articles have discussed a lot of issues revolving around people that have been laid off, working fewer hours, or job seekers that are having a hard time finding quality jobs.
Well we have some information we would like to share that we hope may brighten the job out look for some of those searching hi and low. "CR England Is Hiring!"
That is right, CR England is hiring. We are looking for people with truck driving experience and also those without experience.
If you have experience you will find that CR England is an industry leader. In fact, CR England is the largest refrigerated carrier in the nation. We offer super pay and great benefits. Truck driving jobs for CR England can be Over the road or dedicated. We give you the opportunity to team drive or lease your own equipment, you decide!
No experience, No problem. If you your looking to start a career in cdl driving jobs and you need training, CR England's Premier Truck Driving Schools are top notch and guarantee you a job with the company upon graduation. No every truck school can say that!
The truck driving industry is exciting. Behind the wheel you will get paid to travel and see all different regions of the company. From Mountains to Oceans you'll have the opportunity to see it all.
Friday, July 17, 2009
BlackBerry No Longer Just An Email Device >RIMM - WSJ.com
TORONTO (Dow Jones)--Reliant Transportation estimates the Blackberry helped cut its communication costs by about 30%. CR England Inc. says the device transformed its business.Neither firm uses the device for email.The Blackberry smartphone, made by Research In Motion Ltd. (RIMM), rose to prominence because it made email accessible anytime, anywhere. But as smartphones become more sophisticated and wireless networks improve, new third-party applications are available on the BlackBerry that are attracting new business users. At the same time, RIM is trying to broaden its appeal in the consumer sector beyond email with the recent launch of its BlackBerry App ...BlackBerry No Longer Just An Email Device >RIMM - WSJ.com
Find CDL Schools The Easy Way
Read this and make the task of finding a quality CDL schools much easier!
We hope that by the end of this article you will be a more prepared consumer. Getting into the business of trucking is a big step and there is nothing worse than taking your first step in the wrong direction.
Here is a simple fact. When you do an Internet search for trucking schools or CDL Training schools you will find search results filled with hundreds of websites offering something related to truck driving schools. Then you have to wade through dozens of websites that seem to provide mostly advertisements for other truck driving schools. If you take the wrong course you end up bouncing back and forth between advertisements. This will most likely leave you lost.
Well, Let's make it easier than ever before!
First answer this question:
- Are you committed to making this a new career or are you just looking to improve your skills for a job you already have?
If your looking to make this a new career, than you should focus on the stability of the company doing the training, the quality of the training, their reputation in the industry, and your total costs. When it comes to proper training your life depends on it!
If your just looking to improve your skills for a job you already have then right off the bat you should look for a local training company. Try searches that include your city or state. For example: "Riverside Truck Driving Schools" That can eliminate a lot of the junk out there.
All Right, Your Ready To Start A New Career:
First and fore most cdl training should be the most important piece of the puzzle to you. If your not trained properly you could end up in a bad accident or with a very short driving career. That is why we say your life depends on it! As far as the training goes, someone who is well experienced when it comes to truck driving and truck driving training should train you on recent equipment.
Next consider the training time. Are you about to attend a license mill, or is the company going to give you plenty of time behind the wheel?
After training you should of course consider your costs. If you can't see prices for tuition, fees and everything else, you might want to walk away now or in your case leave that website. Just think what else is going to be negotiable? Tuition, fees, your safety?
Now that you know how much it costs for tuition, you should also consider other costs like financing, room and board or hotel stays, transportation to the school, amenities etc. Be conscious of the numbers game. It might be $5000 for one school all-inclusive and $4000 for another but you still have to pay for hotel. That makes them the same. So you really have to evaluate the schools and do your due diligence.
Lastly and most commonly where people are taken for a ride, is the promise of employment. Your making a career move so you most definitely need to have a job lined up for when you complete school. Here is a simple fact. If they're not a "School to Hire" organization, then it is not a job guarantee! “School to Hire” refers to a situation where, not if, but when you complete school you have a job with the company who trained you or with another company via a contractual agreement between the school and a carrier. For example you might go to school A, and upon completion, you'll be working for company B. You'll know before you even start school who your going to work for. The other option uses another very common term. "Guaranteed Job Placement" or "Lifetime Placement Assistance", or something along those lines. The long and short of it, they guarantee they will be helping you apply for jobs.
The Hard Fact:
- The fact is there are Truck Driving Schools out there that have no intention other than taking your money, getting you a license and sending you packing with a hand full of applications.
We hope this short article is helpful in navigating the truck driving school maze and wish you the best in your endeavors. If you are interested in an upfront, no funny business approach, from a company that has never laid off a driver in 89 years visit us at www.CREngland.com
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
More Truck Driving Jobs With Cap And Trade
According to an article on Chinaview.cn more truck jobs could be created if recent Cap- and-Trade plans become law. The article written by Matthew Rusling had a great quote from Benjamin Goldstein, a policy analyst with the Center for American Progress, that explained how many new truck driving jobs will be created under the plan.
Goldstein said, "many commercial and industrial buildings will be refurbished, -- workers will install new windows, insullation, and make other adjustments -- to make them more energy efficient"
Goldstein also goes on to say that the new projects like wind turbine construction will employ all kinds of trades and professionals. He gave a quick example to speak to his point.
The shear fact that the constuction of these wind turbines will take place means that many cdl driver jobs will be created to transport components. Also, workers will be needed to prepare the site and crane operators will be needed to stand up the poles.
Guess which industry is going to be tasked with hauling all the supplies to and from the work sites? That is right, these are the kinds of jobs truck driver s can do. According to Goldstein "The jobs will be sustainable for decades on end."
Overall Cap-and-Trade has become a hot issue that affects many industries and professionals. The original article can be found at: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-07/01/content_11629887.htm
Monday, June 22, 2009
Truck Driving Schools in Demand as the Economy Recovers
Springfield News-Sun reported Saturday, June 20th 2009, that demand for truck drivers will increase as the economy recovers. Truck driving is a great career and an important one the the American economy.
If you made a list of blue collar jobs that are in demand or will be in demand as the economy recovers, on the list would certainly be the job of truck driver. The job of truck driver is an exciting position that requires a high level of competence and demands respect for the road. Highlighting the profession for many drivers is the opportunity to see the country from the drivers seat of the truck. The beautiful sunsets, small metropolitan areas and the open road are just a few of the benefits professional truck drivers get paid to experience.
When looking for truck driving jobs you have to consider the daily duties the profession will require.The duties of a truck driving job take a lot of skill and patience, but most would agree that the extra work is worth it when you earn a living while traveling. Carriers like CR England have drivers that have been with the company for more than 15 years.
According to the Springfield News-Sun article "drivers can earn $35,000 to $40,000 annually, and their bosses can be hundreds of miles away." According to U.S. News the national average for income in the position is $47,000 per year.
Truck driving can certainly be fulfilling and lucrative. Especially after just a few years as a truck driver. Training is very important to your career as a truck driver. It all starts with choosing the right truckdrivingschools. Learning the safe way and the correct way will extend any truck driving career.
If your looking to get started, a super career is just around the corner. You get start down the high pay highway in just a few days from now. Visit us at http://www.GoToTruckDrivingSchool.com and Apply for one of our truck driving schools.
The original Springfield News-Sun article was written by John Nolan and can be found at the following web site: http://www.springfieldnewssun.com/news/springfield-business-news/demand-for-truck-drivers-expected-to-pick-up-171469.html
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
truckdrivingschools will guarantee you a trucking job!
CR England truck driving schools guarantee students who pass their training course a job. Certainly not all truck driving schools can say that. Like most that attend truck driving schools, your probably looking for a truck driving job. If you don't attend a truck driving school that guarantees you a truck driving job most often you will end up at best with a school that offers guaranteed job placement.
Guaranteed job placement in this economy may just be a guarantee to place a pen and some applications in your hands. There is no doubt when your looking for work the promise of a job can sound like the answer to your problems, but I suggest you step back and mull over your options before making a final decision. Think about this, It is very hard to guarantee job placement when just about every reputable carrier out there has different hiring requirements and in current market conditions most are not even hiring. Think about that before you sign up for something that may just lead you back to the unemployment lines.
A truckdrivingschools that can guarantee you job, is a different story. You will know before you even show up if you have a job. For example at CR England Truck Driving Schools we pre-screen every student to make sure that when they pass the training process they are ready and eligible to work.
Apply at our truckdrivingschools site at http://www.GoToTruckDrivingSchool.com
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Utah Food Bank: Businesses pick up the summer slack - Salt Lake Tribune
Utah Food Bank: Businesses pick up the summer slack - Salt Lake Tribune
CR England Employees really stepped it up during the companies food bank drive. Here is an article from the salt lake tribune that discusses this years sucess.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
CR England Million Mile Driving Awards
This is a great story is about a few of the many great careers at CR England. Last Month CR England honored Viorel Rasa, Sidney J. Sterling and Terry Davis for accomplishing 2 million miles, 1 Million Driving Miles, and 1 million driving miles.
All three drivers have been with CR England for at least 10 years. Viorel Rasa has been a part of CR England for 16 years.
Viorel says the key to his driving success is "Taking every day as a learning experience, never thinking that you have seen it all."
Sidney J. Sterling says his success has been due to great family support and the support of C.R. England. Sidney says "Patience is the key."
ITerry Davis who been with the company for 10 years chalks up his success to "good trip planning and to get out of the truck when you're feeling tired."
These awards are a tremendous accomplishment.
Considering a Career in the Truck Driving Industry? Check out CR England’s Premier Truck Driving Schools. More information is available @ http://www.GoToTruckDrivingSchool.com .
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah --May 6, 2009 – C.R. England, a global transportation provider, has been recognized as the 2008 Dedicated Grocery Carrier of the Year and 2008 Grocery Carrier of the Year by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. This is the first time Walmart has honored a transportation provider with two awards in one year.
“These awards are a significant honor for our company and our people,” said Dan England, chairman of the board of C. R. England. “We’re appreciative of Walmart for acknowledging our corporate commitment to customer service and operational excellence and our ability to find solutions to meet their transportation challenges. We value our partnership and are grateful for this recognition.”
“Walmart realizes the continued pressure and challenges facing the transportation industry,” said Ken Braunbach, Walmart’s senior director of carrier relations in a letter of commendation. C.R. England’s “ability to rise above these obstacles has won our utmost trust and confidence.”
Walmart has numerous dedicated operations in their grocery network serviced by all of the top transportation carriers. “By naming C.R. England Dedicated Grocery Carrier of the Year,
Walmart is recognizing the commitment of England’s operations staff, on-site management, support staff and professional, dedicated drivers,” said Kirk Freimuth, senior director of dedicated operations for C.R. England.
The second award C.R. England received was 2008 Grocery Carrier of the Year. This award speaks to top performance in England’s National, Mexico, Intermodal and Regional operations and recognizes the dedication, commitment and support of all C.R. England employees. As a customer since 2005, England has grown with Walmart more each year, with most of that growth in the past year. As Walmart has expanded its produce centers, England has supported that growth.
About C.R. England, Inc.
Founded in 1920, C.R. England, Inc. corporate headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It has grown to be one of North America’s largest transportation companies, and has earned a reputation as a transportation partner of the highest quality. C.R. England services include Long Haul and Short Haul (Regional) One-Way Carriage, Dedicated and Intermodal services as well as a Mexico division and offices in China. Additional services include Truckload, LTL, Parcel and Global Sourcing and Supply Chain Engineering. For more information, visit www.crengland.com.
About England Dedicated
For nearly 15 years, England Dedicated has provided customized transportation solutions for the specialized needs of individual clients. With on-site management, dedicated equipment and a host of other fleet management services, England Dedicated can serve as an in-house extension of a customer’s transportation department. For more information, visit www.crengland.com.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
CR England Truck Driving Schools Helping Food Bank
annual Food Bank Drive! This year CR England is participating in a company wide barrel filling contest. The more barrels they fill the better. The company is rewarding the employees and the departments which donate the most food. This is a great cause to help the Utah Food Bank. Also, according to the Utah Food Bank, with a one dollar cash donation the food bank can get Nine dollars of food. The bottom line here is that cash donations can go really far.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Big Budah Visits CR England Truck Driving School
Not too long ago Big Budah from Fox13 News in Salt Lake City Utah stopped by to do his morning show. We finally got the footage. Check it out here:
The show was a hit. We provided our Truck Driving School Students with a free pancake breakfast and we gave out some baseball caps. It was great to get Big Budah into the cab of a brand new truck.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Trucking Company Vehicles To Pollute Less in Minnesota
In Minnesota on Friday, May 1, 2009 the state moved to the B-5 bio diesel mandate. The Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture Gene Hugoson told reporters at a news conference marking the B-5 milestone, "For state and national energy policy it is extremely important we move to less dependence on imported foreign oil." The B-5 bio diesel has a 5% soy additive content. That 5% is an increase from the former B-2 mandate where diesel fuel had a 2% additive content. The trucking industry uses a substantial amount of diesel fuel so the mandate is a step toward a greener industry.
For clean air advocates this new mandate is definitely a breath of fresh air. In fact this mandate should provide enough of a reduction in pollution to create cleaner air. According to Kelly Marczak of the American Lung Association of Minnesota the higher the B-5 mandate for bio fuels could remove lung irritants and additional quantities of carcinogens from the air. Kelly was quoted saying "This action will prevent 139 tons of particulate pollution and 330,000 tons of life cycle carbon dioxide emissions from entering our air each year."
This is a remarkable reduction, and to put it into a real world example Kelly Marczak of the American Lung Association of Minnesota said that the reduction would amount to removing 55,000 passenger cars from roads, or planting 56,000 acres of pine tree forest.
This information is an excerpt of a great article written by John Croman of KARE 11 news in Minnesota. The original article also included interviews with the Minnesota trucking industry about their B-5 Bio diesel mandate. Articles like this are a great story for the future. Those looking for truck driving jobs or considering truck driving schools can believe firmly that the industry is taking steps toward an overall greener transportation industry. The original article can be found at: http://www.kare11.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=665562&catid=2
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- cr england (26)
- CR England (1)
- CR England Chicago Regional Positions (1)
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- england logistics (3)
- England Trucking (9)
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- Free Truck Driving Schools (1)
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- jobs truck drivers (1)
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- million mile drivers (1)
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- Owner Operators (1)
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- premier truck driving school (3)
- road of life (1)
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- truck driver (1)
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- Truck driving Jobs (4)
- truck driving school (7)
- Truck Driving Schools (7)
- truck safety (1)
- Truck School (1)
- Truck_Driving_School (1)
- Truckdriving jobs (1)
- TruckDrivingJobs (1)
- TruckDrivingSchool (2)
- truckdrivingschools (1)
- Trucking (1)
- trucking company (3)
- truckingjobs (2)
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- truckjobs (1)
- truckschool (1)
- University of Utah (1)
- Utah Food Bank (1)
- UtahFood Bank (1)
- WallStreetJournal (1)
- Walmart (1)
- west saint paul (1)
- zion grove (1)